H6 direct vent gas fireplace between two chairs

What Is The Safest Way To Decorate My Fireplace?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to decorating your gas fireplace, you may have some questions about these items’ safety and the heat your fireplace outputs. So whether you’re thinking about hanging your TV above your fireplace or a beautiful piece of art, the questions and answers below should leave you with reassurance as you go on to decorate and enjoy your gas fireplace.

Mounting Items above gas fireplace

Is it safe to mount an item such as a TV or art piece above my fireplace? To safety mount a TV, artwork, electronics, or other materials you will need to ensure to use the Valor HeatShift™ System. Valor’s unique HeatShift™ system transfers convective heat upwards through hidden ducts and directs it back into the room, completely bypassing walls and surface areas around the fireplace.

Learn more about HeatShift™ by watching the video below:

Valor HeatShift System

Distance from fireplace and decor pieces

How far should decor pieces be from the fireplace? Ensure furniture and other objects are at least 36″ clear from the front of the fireplace.

Is the fireplace glass a concern when decorating? Please keep in mind that fireplace glass will remain hot after the unit has been turned off for approximately 30 – 60 minutes. Do not put objects or decor within 36″ of that fireplace, and ensure nothing is hanging in front of it.

Now that you’re armed with the information, you can decorate and design around your Valor Fireplace safely. For more information, please visit here.

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