Portrait Series - Gas Fireplace Insert

Valor Fireplaces Home Energy Features: Eight-Hour Turndown

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If you already have a Valor gas fireplace installed in your home, you might already know all about your fireplace’s innovative smart home features. Every gas fireplace from Valor comes packed with intelligent features that make your everyday life much more comfortable, and you’ll always be able to ensure the safety and comfort of your entire household.

One smart feature Valor Fireplaces offers with every unit is the 8-hour automatic flame turn-down (available on Valor Plus/Max remote systems). The automatic feature comes into play when there is no remote communication with the fireplace for 8 hours or if there is no change in flame height. This innovative feature will help reduce heating the home when it’s not in use, and if you happen to be out of the house for longer than planned, your Valor will automatically turn down to pilot mode after 8 hours.

For more information, please watch the video below.

As a bonus, the remote included with every Valor Fireplace also has some great extra features, such as temperature control and the option to add a timer. You can customize your Valor Fireplace to run as efficiently as possible and base it on your schedule and home life! Please visit the information page here for more information on Valor Fireplace’s smart features.

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